Our Collective Values

Freedom - we are part of a bigger universal liberation movement working to free all people and communities from the intentional systems that enslave our minds, bodies, and spirits. We uplift and honor those silenced and oppressed based on gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and ability.  

Family & Multigenerational Honor - we value and respect our relationships with family and friends by doing work invested in their well-being. We uplift the work that has been done for us and before us by our own families, kindred people, our honorable ancestors, and revolutionary leaders.

Earth Reverence - we respect Earth, our home, and her people as distant relatives of which we are all extensions. Our practices, beliefs, and techniques in stewardship and community are aimed to harmonize with nature and preserve the natural systems that have been operation long before humans have been here. 

Pursuit of knowledge - we recognize that we are always learning and we continue to be open in the ways we expand and grow as individuals, a collective, and a society. We know that true knowledge and education is an exercise of freedom for all. 

Safety, Restoration, and Accountability - we believe that safety is a community responsibility and that it is in our hands to ensure our people are protected. We practice anti-violence and respect within our community agreements while also staying prepared with combat and resistance training. When conflicts arise within community, it is our responsibility to work towards repair (understanding that this can be a long and even inconclusive process). We lean on values of compassion and safety when it comes to how we heal and take ownership of our mistakes and traumas, as well as others. 

Sharing resources - as a community, we want to be able to give back and use the abundance we are blessed with to share with others (especially those explicitly in need). We also believe in reparations, trading/bartering, and reciprocity when it comes to how we share our blessings and resources.

Truth - we value authenticity when it comes to how we interact with others as well as each other. We encourage honesty and transparency within our own internal dialogues as well as our community services to inspire integrity, confidence, and wholeness in our human and spiritual experiences. 

Health & wellness - our goals are aligned to maintain physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual health now and in the future. We must ensure that we are practicing and working in ways that honor our body/mind/spirit connection. 

Innovation - we realize that sometimes creativity and inspiration can bring new solutions for old problems. While we respect Earth's systems, we also pride ourselves in the creation and evolution of models and inventions that can further honor and protect our planet and people.